Create/Modify Document-Type Checklist

Modified on Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 05:14 AM


Create Document Checklist Type

Open the Checklist Types reference and create a new type for a Document Checklist. It is obligatory to set the Code “DOC”, that way the system determines the checklist as Document Checklist.

Checkbox “Pictures and Videos will be automatically uploaded to” is not used. This requisite does not affect anything.

Create a Document Checklist Template with the appropriate Checklist Type

Create Document Checklist Items

 There are several ways to create a checklist item. Open the required checklist template and click on:

  • Show Checklist Items to open the list of items linked to the checklist template. Create a new record.
  • Import from Excel — import checklist items from an Excel file. Click here to learn more about this option.
  • Copy from another Checklist — copy items from the selected checklist template.

Once you have created a new checklist item, fill in the item card and upload samples.

Possible values in the checklist result file naming convention:
SiteId — Site abbreviation
index — the number of checklist results
version — the number of result versions
date — the date when the result has been uploaded

You can also add custom notes in the result file naming convention. Each word must be separated by underscores. Do not use spaces.

Apply Checklist Template to Work Order

Add a Document Checklist Template to the Work Order Type or apply it to the existing Work Order.

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