Work Orders Module/ CLPM Checklists

Modified on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 10:50 AM


The FCX Check-List Photo Management (CLPM) Business Solution sources photos via the FCX Mobile App WOs Module.

When in use, “Tasks” become available to the mobile user via the WO Summary screen (or directly from the Dispatch Schedule if FCX TK is not in use).

Open Work Orders Module 

Dispatch Calendar

The “My Schedule” screen lists all active Work Orders scheduled to the logged-in user: dispatches 30 days forward and backward from the current day. Scheduled WOs are sorted by date from oldest to newest. 

WO tasks/ CLPM Checklists

After you click on the scheduled WO, it opens Work Order Tasks. Each WO Task List might consist of one or many Checklists.

WO's Checklists are set in the WO Type card. You can also manage WO's checklists in the WO card itself, for example add a new checklist to the existing WO.

Tasks window legend

Option in WO Tasks

The video function is temporarily unavailable.

Resolve WO Task Checklist Item

Take CLPM Photo.

Photo upload behavior

  • Green Camera = Upload Successful.
  • Orange Camera = Upload Failed. Don’t Panic! Photos are cached in case of interruption.
  • Refresh Tasks List to Retry Upload.
  • Pull-down from the top of your screen to refresh the Tasks.
  • If necessary, reshoot CLPM Photo and tap to save it.

Add a bunch of versions

You can take multiple versions of the checklist item photo in a row or one at a time (preview and save each one):

1. To add multiple photos without previewing. Hot key – Volume up button.

Tap Camera → Tap the green “Camera +” icon → Take photo →  The photo is saved immediately, and the Camera screen appears again → Take another photo.


2. One by one with preview. Hot key – Volume down button.

Tap Camera → Tap the black “Camera” icon to take a photo:

1) Save only this photo.

2) Add another version by tapping the green “Camera +” icon (this will upload the first photo and show you the camera screen to take another one).

Note that you can only see the last version of the checklist item photo in the mobile app. To see all of them, go to the Close Out dashboard.

The Add Multiple Photos (green “Camera+”) button can work differently: it can create either a new version or a new result for the checklist item. It's a configurable part and can vary from client to client.

Read more about WO Checklist Item Versions vs. Results read here.

Retake photo

The Retake option is available for the saved (uploaded) photos. Open the desired Checklist Item Result and retake the photo. This will add a new result for the checklist item.

Checklist Results Uploading. How it works.

Checklists media results (photos, videos) are saved on the device before it will be uploaded to the database. Media is cashed on the device for the number of days specified in the app system settings. Commonly it is 20–30 days.

The Share Checklist Results media option is only available for local files. Once the results file has been uploaded to a server and deleted from your local drive, you will not be able to share it.

Checklist photos are stored in the internal system app folder of the device storage.

Once you add a result (upload photo or video, add comments) for a checklist item and save it, the app uploads them to the server.

If there is no connection, the app enters these results on queue for the next upload — marked them as “to sync”. 

As soon as the connection is restored and the app is launched, not synced results will be uploaded automatically. The exception is old results, that were taken more than 1 day ago. Old results have to update manually. 

You will see the upload status on the app login screen: the number of results that require automatic or manual sync.

To start auto sync, you should just run the app. If the app is working in the background (you clocked in), at regular intervals it checks if there are results that have to be synced automatically. If yes, it starts auto upload.

For manual sync, open the Work Order Module → go to My Shedule screen. 

Here, if you have results to sync, you will see:

  • The upload status broken down by the number of results that will be synced automatically, the number requires manual sync.
  • The upload progress — shows you if the automatic synchronization of checklist results is now underway. The number of results you see in this progress bar does not include old results. 
  • The number of results waiting for sync (auto and manual) within a Dispatch.

Start Manual Sync (Force Upload) of Checklist Results

To start manual sync (force upload) swipe down:

  • In My Schedule screen — to sync all results.
  • In Dispatch screen — to sync results within a particular Dispatch.
  • In Checklists screen — to sync results within a particular Dispatch and see how each item is uploading.

Work Order Results Processing notifications

At times, the app checks the Upload Status for checklist results.

If the app is working now, it will start the upload of not synced results in the background. It will notify you only if there are results that require force upload.

You will also receive a notification about not synced results, if the app is off. 

Checklist Results in FCX Desktop

We save all details of checklists results in the “Checklist Results” reference: the item review state, uploaded time, associated Work Order and so on.

While all uploaded result files (CLPM photos) are cached in the “Checklist Results Files” reference.

To review CPLM photos, use the Close Out dashboard. Read more here.

Add a Custom Work Order Checklist

See the separate article on how to add a custom WO checklist.

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