Import a Photo/Video Checklist

Modified on Thu, 28 Mar 2024 at 05:15 AM

Here is how we recommend setting-up and doing a Checklist import:

  • Create and save the Photo/Video Checklist Template parent Reference Record (card) before trying to import to it.
  • On the Ribbon, in the “FSM” group, click “Export to Excel.”

  • “Why are we exporting, I thought we were importing?” We export to give ourselves a copy of the formatted import template.
  • Save the file locally and keep it as a .csv file.
  • When you open the .csv file, you will notice the 2 left column ask for info you may not readily have: “Item ID” and “Checklist ID.” 
    • Don't worry: Leave these columns blank, so the importer can fill them in.

If you do not leave these columns blank, the importer will not work!

  • Fill-in the other 4 columns like so:

  • Save the file (again, keeping it as a .csv).
  • Back on the Checklist card, in the ribbon FSM group, click “Import From Excel” and select your .csv file for import.

  • After the import, the new Checklist Items may not immediately show up under the “Show Checklist Items” button. You can close the Checklist card and refresh the Record data to see the change.

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