Close Out Dashboard for Customer

Modified on Tue, 14 Mar 2023 at 10:12 AM


In general, the Customer role is used to monitor the activities of a subcontractor’s company in the Close Out Dashboard. In this case, the subcontractor is the Submitter and the Reviewer. 

In the close Out Dashboard, the Customer views or rejects the results of the checklists. 

An Employee with "CLPM Customer" role sees all Build Plans under specific Customer(s): BPs with active WOs that have checklists. The CLPM Customer Role supports the restriction by organization. So you can apply filter by organizations (Customers) and narrow down the list of available BPs in the dashboard.

Status Dashboard Tab

1. Publish Date — the date of the first scheduled Dispatch 

2. Started Date — the date, when the first WO checklist result has been uploaded.

3.  Last Activity Date — the date, when the last WO checklist result has been uploaded.

4. # Required Photos — the total of results with statuses (In Progress + Pending + Reviewed + Approved).

5. Approved % — ratio of the number of approved results to the number of required photos.

6. #Out For Correction  the number of rejected results (rejected by Reviewer and rejected by Customer).

7. Status — main review status. 

Pending — there are no results.

Active — there are checklist results, some of them are might be reviewed

Submitted — all checklist items have been done, all percentage indicators are 100%.

Review Interface Tab

In the Review Interface, a Customer sees only approved results. The Customer can reject results if the situation requires it. The 'Approve' action is not available to the Customer.

Rejected results are displayed as “Customer Rejected Results” to the Reviewer. 

Related Documents Tab

Read more about Build Plan documents here.

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