Overnight Settings

Modified on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 at 11:19 AM

An overnight shift refers to a work schedule that begins in the evening and typically extends into the early morning hours. This type of shift can be set up in a variety of ways to accommodate different work environments and employee needs.

The overnight shift mode is controlled by the overnight setting — a setting that allows an employee to remain clocked in to the application after midnight. This precludes forced clock-out in the mobile application where an employee tracks their worked hours.

Overnight can be configured in several ways.

Mobile Role — Allow Overnight Allows 

Assign the Mobile. Allow Overnight Allows role to an employee to generally allow night work. For example, is there is no overnight dispatch scheduling.

Overnight Dispatch

Schedule dispatch for crews and activate “Allow Overnight” checkbox on the Dispatch card. 

The Overnight checkbox is pre-populated based on the Work Order Type.

System Constants

AllowOvernightForClockInsAfterTime — a setting where we specify a clock-in time after which employees are allowed to work during the night hours. This setting is applied to the entire instance (for all employees).

Setting the Overnight Shift

Another constant, TKUseOvernight, specifies a rule for calculating daily overtime/double time hours: regular rule or use overnight shifts.

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