Dispatch Calendar Overview

Modified on Mon, 17 Jun 2024 at 05:16 AM


The Dispatch Calendar is used for scheduling, dispatching Work Orders (WOs) and tracking Field Crews.

All users have access to the Calendar.

You can work with the Calendar both in a web browser and on the FCX desktop.

Calendar functionality

To calculate hrs per week in the Dispatch Calendar, we take total hrs from Time Cards from the start of the week to the current day. We do not take hrs for the current and future days.
Total hrs = Approved hrs minus Applied Lunch hrs. The Total hrs include the sum of regular, overtime, double and prevailing hrs per selected date range.

Dispatch Calendar Day View

Read the article Track Dispatch in Calendar Dashboard.

Resources workload in the Dispatch Calendar

Switch to the Resources tab to view Resources schedule. The table shows Resources workload for every day:

  • Total worked hours per day and week.
  • Scheduled Dispatches under each Resource.

Map in the Dispatch Calendar

Map shows clocked in Resources location in real time. You can select any date and time period to monitor Employee activity under certain scheduled Work Order.

Learn more about Live Map features in a separate article.

Create new in Calendar

New BP

Use this action to generate a Build Plan. Click the “New BP” button to open a Build Plan Request Card. Read more about BP generation here.

New WO

New Dispatch

Specify additional details for the Dispatch. “Allow overnight”, “Work Type” settings are pulled in from Work Order Type.

  • “Allow overnight” permits an Employee to be clocked in after midnight. 
  • “Work Type” (formerly Use GEO) indicates the type of work we expect: on-site or off-site.
    Can be Site – means use a Site geo-fence and allocate hours based on time spent within a Site radius.
    Or Warehouse – do not use geo-fence, schedule this type of Work Order for office/warehouse work to automatically allocate such hours.
     This checkbox is not available for editing on the Dispatch card.
  • “Prevailing wage” is set up in the Site and Scenario, but can be changed in Dispatch. All hours associated with the scheduled WO are recorded as prevailing.
  • “Remote hotel” allows crews to stay in locations that are considered authorized to stops according to the Time Keeping audit.
  • “Clock In and Clock Out expected time” can be used to adjust Employee's working hours associated with the scheduled Work Order.

You can only create a Dispatch for Work Orders that are allowed for dispatches. This option is set in the Work Order Type.

Dispatch and Work Order stages in Dispatch Calendar

Dispatch lifecycle stage in the Dispatch Calendar is a series of changes that a Dispatch undergoes from its creation to completion of the scheduled Work OrderTo some extent, the Dispatch stage is aligned with the Work Order stage. 

“Ready for Dispatch” Work Order is a Work Order that has scheduled but not yet published Dispatches.

“Published” Work Order describes a Work Order that has already been started. It means that there are scheduled and published Dispatches.

“Completed” Work Order term is used to determine that all work under a certain Work Order has been finished. However, that kind of WOs is still available to schedule and to allocate Employee's worked hours.

You can complete a Work Order through WO card in FCX or in the mobile app. After completion, the system fills in a completed date in a WO card, which is an indication that the WO is completed.

Closed Work Orders are closed records of Work Order. You cannot create a Dispatch for closed WOs and use it for allocation in the mobile app. However, they can be selected in a payroll allocation table of the Time Card.

When a Work Order is closed, all future dispatches will be deleted and published ones will be canceled.

You can change a Work Order record status to “closed” manually. Moreover, the system will close the Work Order when the Build Plan is also closed.

In the picture below, we depicted how Dispatches are related to Work Orders, and what actions are available for Dispatches depending on the Dispatch stage.

Read the article “Schedule / Manage Dispatches with DDM” here.

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