CIM Invoices

Modified on Wed, 09 Nov 2022 at 09:05 AM


CIM Invoices Reference

We store Clients Invoices in the CIM Invoices reference.

The following user groups have access to the reference:

FSMFinancial — full access except delete.

Create a CIM Invoice

To create a CIM Invoice, open a required Sales Order, enter the "ready to bill" amount, click the button "Create Invoice". Read more here.

CIM Invoice Card

General Tab

1. Build Plan, Region, Market, Project, Site — filled automatically from the related Sales Order.

2. Customer — filled automatically from the related Sale Order, but can be changed.

3. Invoice Number — assigned automatically according to the specified format, can be changed manually by Advanced CIM Managers.

4. Invoice Date is the date when you create the Invoice. You can change the date to the needed value.

Payment Terms and Due Date.

Payment Terms are populated from the Customer.

Due Date is calculated according to the Invoice Date and Payment Terms.

5. PO — Allocated PO's number.

6. Stage — describes the CIM Invoice lifecycle stage. 

Generally, the CIM Invoice lifecycle looks like:

1)  Pending — the initial stage of CIM Invoice created via the associated Sales Order.

To move the Invoice to the next stage, you should enter the appropriate stage date:

2)  Submitted — enter the date when you submitted the Invoice to a client. Submitted Invoices are marked as ready to sync to QB. 

3)  Received — enter the date when the client received your CIM Invoice.

4)  Accepted — enter the date when the client accept your invoice.


Canceled — specify the date if the client canceled the invoice.

5)  Paid — the final stage. It is all CIM Invoices paid in QB and synced back to FCX.

If you do not use the synchronization with QB, you can enter the paid date, and the Invoice moves to the Paid stage as well.


Rejected — CIM Invoices marked as void in QB and synced back as rejected to FCX.

7. Synced — shows the status of invoice sync to QB. It is filled automatically when the "Submitted to Customer " invoice is synced with QB. Learn more about synchronization with QB here.

8. Dates of invoice stage change — date when the CIM Invoice is submitted, received, accepted, canceled, rejected or paid. When you enter the date, the Invoice moves to the appropriate stage.

9. Tax  —  sales tax item. It must be completed if a related PO requires Sales Tax. In this case, it is filled by a default Sales Tax Item from the system constant (configurable part) or selected manually from the corresponding reference. 

10. PO allocation table — shows related Purchase Orders Lines, PO Line Total and Invoice Amount.

11. Invoice Total ($) — the Invoiced column total.

Tax Amount ($) — Invoice Total * Tax Rate. It is calculated if a Sales Tax Item is filled out.

Invoice Total with Tax ($) = Invoice Total + Tax Amount.

12. Comments — additional field for custom comments.

13. Memo — is filled automatically with the Invoice reference record ID. 

You can enter some custom Memo. This way, the checkbox "Custom" will be active.

Allocation Tab

On the Allocation tab, we show the related Sales Order and the table with SO Lines allocation. We sync SO Lines details to QB. More about CIM Invoice fields mapping between FCX and QB here.

It's recommended to specify a required Service Item in a Project to populate to a SO and then to CIM Invoice.

Available actions

Open Financial Distribution — use to open related Financial distribution. The system creates a CIM Invoice FD as soon as the Invoice moves to the submitted, received, accepted or paid stage.

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