Time Adjustment Request (TAR)

Modified on Wed, 28 Feb 2024 at 05:08 AM


An Employee can send a TAR request for Time Cards of all states: pending, completed and so on, however there can be only one TAR in-process per Time Card (day). If a Mobile App User attempts to submit a 2nd TAR for a Time Card which currently has one unresolved request, he or she will receive an error message that explains they cannot do this.

To send the TAR request, use the FCX app. You can send a request for open payroll periods.


After the Employee submits a Time Adjustment Request (TAR) in the FCX mobile app, the TAR appears in a Time Card in the review interface. All new TARs created are in the pending state.

Resolve TAR

To resolve a TAR, enter a resolution comment into the box provided. NOTE that this resolution ONLY affects the TAR, and is independent of the Time Card review resolution.

As a Reviewer:

1. Enter comments describing the reason for approving or rejecting the TAR.

2. Resolve the TAR

  • Reject a TAR to send a rejection notice and your comments to the submitter. Rejection is delivered to the Submitter (but not TK Administrator (TKA))  via txt message.
  • Approve a TAR to add that info to the Time Card review history and forward the request to the TK Administrator review. 

3. Resolve Post-TAR Time Card Review

Change the related state on the Time Card

  • “Change Time”, if changes are required.
  •  “Acknowledge” if the Time Card data is correct.

As an Advanced Reviewer

If a TAR doesn't have specified clock in/out times:

1. Create the adjustment for a Time Card.

  • Change appropriate Time Entries: alter time period, approved hours, WO allocation.
  • Save the adjustment to applied it to the Time Card payroll allocation.

2. Resolve the TAR as regular Reviewer.

3. Confirm the Time Card Review. Change the TC review state to adjusted.

If the TAR is fully detailed (there are at least clocked in/out times, at most WO allocation, lunch periods)

1. Resolve the TAR with the “Apply and Approve” action. It will create the Time Card adjustment based on TAR details such as Clock In/Out time, Lunch Start and Stop, Work Order allocation. The action is not available for a TAR request if there are no clock in/out details. The TAR moves to the approved stage. 

2. Confirm the Time Card Review. Change the TC review state to adjusted. 

As a Time Keeping Administrator

You can resolve both pending TARs and TARs approved by the Reviewer.

1. Select a Time Card with TAR in the Review Interface and check the TAR details.

2. If necessary, make changes in the Time Card adjustment.

3.  Back to the Time Card in the TCR Interface and complete the TAR.

The TKA can also apply and complete a TAR request, if an Advanced Reviewer hasn't already done it so. 

If the Time Card adjustment was previously created by the Advanced Reviewer (with the Apply and Approve action), the TKA should also resolve this adjustment. For example, 

  • Reject the adjustment → reject the TAR.
  • Edit the adjustment → then complete the TAR.
  • Use the Override and Complete action → this will replace the existing TC adjustment. The new one will be created based on the TAR information. 

TKA can also make manual changes in the Time Card payroll allocation table:
    • change the total approved hours and allocated Work Order
    • add a new line to allocate missed clocked hours
Read more here.

Resolve TAR on a Time Card itself

You can simply resolve a TAR on the Time Card itself. The logic is the same as in the TC Review interface. So choose a way of resolving requests that is convenient for you.

Open the Time Card → go to the Requests tab → click on the row. This will open the Request card.

As usual, review the request and resolve it: approve, reject or complete.

Resolve TAR buttons for a Reviewer

Resolve TAR buttons for an Advanced Reviewer

If a TC already has the adjustment.

Resolve TAR buttons for a TKA

If a TC already has the adjustment.

Read more about Time Keeping requests.

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