Manage Time Keeping Requests

Modified on Mon, 26 Feb 2024 at 05:28 AM


Make requests available for submitting

Time Keeping request is a configurable tool. Each client can manage a different set of requests. 

1. Time Adjustment Request (TAR) — the basic Time Keeping feature which is available for each client.

2. Time Off request — use this type of request in order for Employees to send PTO, holiday requests. 

3. Miscellaneous request — enables per day expenses request such as per diem, travel and so on. This type of request includes:

  • Day — Time Card date
  • Payroll Item — available for request addition payroll items, for instance, mileage reimbursements, travel advances.
  • Quantity — unit of payroll period measure. For example, how many miles an Employee traveled. What was his per diem or travel expenses for that day.
  • Work Order — to write off Employee's payroll expenses to the certain Build Plan and financial account.

Make payroll items and reasons available for Time Keeping requests.

Request Life Cycle

New Request

1. A new TK request can be created in two ways:

I. An Employee creates a request in the FCX app (web, mobile) and submits it. The TK request becomes pending. If necessary, the Employee can delete (revoke) a pending TK request.

II. A Reviewer or TK Administrator solicits a TK request using the TCR interface.

  • The request will be at the solicited stage and will be displayed in the Employee's payroll calendar on the mobile app.
  • The Employee replies to the request, adding all the details such as clock-in/clock-out hours, allocated WOs, comments, a reason for time off. It depends on the type of the solicited request (TAR, Time Off, Miscellaneous).
  • The solicited request moves to the pending stage and should be resolved as a regular TK request.

Solicited TK requests can only be revoked by the Reviewer and the TKA, again via the TCR interface or the Time Cards dashboard.

An Employee cannot delete such a request. 

Pending Request

2. After an Employee sends a Time Keeping request/replies to the solicited request via the FCX app, the request becomes pending.

We use Time Card Review interface or the Time Cards dashboard to resolve pending TK requests.


Approve/Reject Request

3. A TK Reviewer can approve, apply and approve, or reject a request. 

  • The approved request goes to review by the TK Administrator.
  • The applied and approved are now in the approved stage. The Apply and Approve action creates a Time Card Adjustment based on TAR details such as Clock In/Out time, Lunch Start and Stop, Work Order allocation. The action is not available for a TAR request if there are no clock in/out details.
  • The rejected one changes its stage to the corresponding — rejected. At the same time, a Request Sender receives the notification explaining why his request is not approved.


Complete Request 

4. The next step is to complete the request. A Time Keeping Administrator can complete or reject the request. The TKA can also apply and complete a TAR request, if a Reviewer hasn't already done it so. 

If he/she rejects the approved TK request, it returns to the pending stage. The TK Reviewer will see rejection comments in the Time Card history. 

If the Time Card adjustment was previously created by the Advanced Reviewer (with the Apply and Approve action), the TKA should also resolve this adjustment too. For example, reject the adjustment or edit the adjustment.

How completed Time Keeping Requests impact Time Cards Payroll Allocation table


We use the Time Card Adjustment interface or change the payroll allocation table in the Time Card to complete TAR. More about TAR.

As for Time Off and Miscellaneous requests, we check the details of the requests and complete them.

Time Off 

When a Time Off request is completed, the system fills in the reason in the Time Card from the request and recalculates the Time Card payroll allocation table.

  • The system takes the hours and the cost type from the reason card.
  • The work order is derived from the non-work BP in the employee's TK configuration (the system searches in the BP for a WO whose type has the specific abbreviation 'NONWORK').
    • or takes the static value of the non-work WO defined in the system constants.

 If reasons in the Time Card and in the request are different, you can not complete the Time Off request. 

You can clear the reason in the Time Card and complete the request. Or you reject the request and make manual changes in the Time Card.



As for a Miscellaneous request, it is also applied to the Time Card, when the request is completed.

The system calculates a non-wage table in the Time Card. It takes all data from the request: payroll item, Work Order and QTY.


You can modify the non-wage table manually: add new lines, change payroll items, QTY and so on.


We do not sync the non-wage table to the payroll system. Data from this table is factored into Time Card financial distribution. 

We use the same priority of cost rates and financial accounts for the lines from the non-wage table in the financial distribution. One difference is, that you can specify a particular financial account for the payroll item, and it will predominate over financial accounts from Work Order Type, Employee and so on.

Read more about addition types of payroll items and cost rates synced from the Quickbooks.

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