How to create a 'Credit' in FCX

Modified on Fri, 24 Sep 2021 at 02:51 AM

We use "Adhoc Revenue and Expenses" reference in the FCX system to reconcile credits in your company's accounting systems.

1. Open the reference and create a record.

2. Select the type of accounts you want to true up:

  • Select the CIM Invoices in a "Type" field to reflect the revenue for a particular Project or Build Plan.
  • Specify the VIM Invoices in a "Type" field to write off expenses for a specific Project, Build Plan, etc.

3. Fill in:

  • Name — to set any custom name.
  • Date — to include financial statements for the selected calendar year.
  • Build Plan — to charge-off expenses  or charge revenue in for a selected Build Plan, Project, and for the company by extension.
  • Financial Account — to add a required FA for recording financial transactions.
  • Amount. Set transaction amount. The value of the transaction can only be positive.


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