Create User Substitution to Reroute Tasks When User is OOO

Modified on Mon, 22 May 2023 at 11:42 AM

Access That Can be Managed by User Substitution

Fieldclix Desktop Users may have many responsibilities in Business Processes for their company. In FCX, these responsibilities can translate to the following access:

  • Access to see and take action on records
    • For Reference Records
    • For Record Data in Dashboards
  • Jobs and Notifications sent to the User's FCX Inbox
  • Action Items Sent to User for action in Dashboards, including:
    • Time Cards to Review in TC Review Dashboard
    • Vendor Bills to Review in VIM Review Dashboard
    • Etc.

When to Create a User Substitution

Sometimes a User may be unavailable to perform responsibilities in FCX if they take Time-Off, go on a Leave Of Absence of some sort, depart the company or are new and still onboarding.

There are several ways to let other Users cover someone else's responsibilities in FCX. A key way to do this is with the User Substitution.

The Substitution can be indefinite as long as the Substitution Record is Active, OR, you can set a start and end date on the Substitution.

What a User Substitution Does

A User Substitution grants the "Inheritor" or Substitute all of the Original User's above access, in addition to whatever access the Substitute previously had.

Note that the User who is being substituted does not lose any access in this process!

This article describes how to create a User Substitution. Note that if a role performer is departing or onboarding, you may want to take additional actions to manage their transition. For more info on this, see our Offboarding Article.

Who Can Create a User Substitution

User Substitutions can be created and edited by Users in the HR Manager User Group.

How to Create a User Substitution

To create one:

  • From the Conterra Explorer home screen, on the ribbon Home tab, Run group, click "Quick Launch" to search for a Reference data table
  • Search for "Sub" and double-click "Users Substitution" to open the Users Substitution list

  • In the Substitution list, on the ribbon Home tab, New group, click "Create Record"
  • Fill-out the card:
    1. Inheritor is the User who will Substitute for another User and receive his/her access/responsibilities
    2. Original User is the User who is unavailable and being substituted
    3. Leave "Type" and "Without Inheritance" as they are
    4. Finish date and Start date are optional
    5. As soon as you Save the record, the Substitution is in-effect


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