Adhoc imports

Modified on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 at 12:04 PM

Use the script "Import Adhoc Expenses" to mass import revenue and expenses records.

The script creates records in the "Adhoc Revenue and Expenses" reference.

First, prepare the Excel file

Supported file format: xls; .xlsx

Title the columns and put them in a certain order:

Mandatory columns:

1 column (A) — Name

Enter the name of the revenue/expense record.

2 column (B) — Type

Write the name of the Financial Analysis Source Type. 

Source Types are:

  • CIM Invoices 
  • Time Keeping 
  • VIM Invoices 
  • BOM 
  • COD Purchases 
  • Employee Payroll Period Overhead

3 column (C) — Date

Set the date of the revenue or expense record. Format cell — Date mm/dd/yyyy

4 column (D) — Financial Account

Enter the Financial Account record Code. To see the Code, open the Financial Account Card.

5 column (E) — Amount ($)

Fill in the amount, which can be negative for credit operations. Format cell — Number with two decimal places.

6 column (F) — Build Plan

Push a Build Plan Name. 

Not mandatory columns:

7 column (G) — Employee

The search is by Employee Code, so enter the Employee's record Code. To view the Code, open the "Employees" Reference → add "Code" requisite to visible columns.

8 column (H) — Comments

Add some custom comments.

Run the script

Run the script via Quick Launch. Once you run the script, it will show you instructions on how to prepare an Excel file for import. Close the window to continue the import.

Select the prepared Excel file and click to Open.

Review import results in the "Adhoc Revenue and Expenses reference".

Financial distributions will be created on the next run "Update Financial distributions" script. It is usually runs every 3 hours a day from 6am of server time.

Download the import template from the attachments.

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