Project Overhead Build Plans

Modified on Wed, 03 Jan 2024 at 04:26 AM

Project Overhead Build Plans

What is a Project Overhead Build Plan

Project Overhead Build Plans are essential to allocate overhead expenses based on the activities completed for a collection of Build Plans that have a common Project, Region, Customer Profit Center.

Project Overhead Build Plans represent a different layer of overhead expenses. These expenses are very close to Direct Cost but difficult to capture in Direct Cost Build Plans. Generally, we use Project Overhead BPs to allocate PMO Labor expenses.

Project Overhead Build Plans generation is controlled by one of system constants ‘EnableOHBuildPlans’. In most instances the constant is turned on. It means that Project Overhead BPs are automatically generated during GBP.

How to create Project Overhead BPs

  • Automatically while BP generation through BP Request
  • Manually with script 'FSMProjectTemplates_GenerateProjectBPs' — administrator tool.

How it works

With the above script run or GBP completed, the system generates a new Build Plan Request for Project Overhead BP in a separate workflow.

We specify Project Overhead BPs Dimensions in the corresponding constant 'OverheadBuildPlansDimensions'. It is understood that dividing up by Project is a default dimension, and it is not required to provide this value in constant. The system supports the following dimensions: Client, Carrier, Market.

Therefore, during Project Overhead BP generation the system:

1) gets the list of active Project Overhead BPs

2) finds Project Overhead BPs  for Scenario 'Overhead' 

3) if there is no Project Overhead BP for 'Overhead' Scenario, then creates new ones for each combination of specified dimensions

4)  pulls in dimension values: Client, Carrier, Market. 

By default, and most commonly Client is NA, Carrier and Market are populated from Corporate Site. BP Owner is BP with max ID from the set of BPs related to a certain 'Overhead' Scenario.

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