Conterra 3.0 User Guide

Modified on Fri, 06 Jan 2023 at 09:56 AM

Orienge Conterra is a corporate document and interaction management system focused onwork efficiency enhancing of all the employees in different areas of their cooperation. The delivery package defines the functionality of the system. It may include seven different Conterra modules, providing document and interaction management, and the tools, expanding their usage. Conterra 3.0 User Guide includes the basic information about main Conterra modules.

You can work with Conterra system through the desktop client (application for PC) or the web client (application for browser). Learn the description of Conterra system interface, principles of operation with documents, tasks and jobs, folders, references, reports and other components.

Getting Help

1. Follow the link 


2. Open help from the System Explorer as well as from any other Conterra window.

To open help, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Press F1 on your keyboard
  • On the File tab, click Conterra Help. 
  • On the toolbar of System Explorer, in the right upper corner, click

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