Preemptive Measures: Use TK to Promote Good Procedure

Modified on Mon, 15 Nov 2021 at 04:11 AM

Monitor Slowpokes and Early Birds: Late/Early Clock-In and/or Arrival/Departure

Monitor Earliness/Lateness via Audit Report

There are actually 2 other ways to monitor this, both involving the TK Audit Report.

First, the report that we receive each day shows late Clock-Ins under the heading “ClockIn is Out of Range from Dispatch.”

Here is one such report:

Here we can see that “Edgar,” “Edwin” and “Fernando” were 6, 9 and 11 minutes late, respectively. “Gilbert” was 20 mins late, so we might want to investigate that.

Second, you can run the TK Audit Report for multiple days any time you want.

Here’s how:

Every red square is a late Clock-In, and you can see patterns of repeat offenders here.

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