Import materials to BOM from Excel

Modified on Fri, 20 Jan 2023 at 08:44 AM

Prepare Excel file to import

Supported file format: xls; .xlsx

1. Create an Excel file and give the column name for the 1 string.

2. Locate columns in a certain order:

1 column (A) — Material name

2 column (B) — Part No

3 column (C) — QTY

4 column (D) — Comments

3. From the second string, list the required materials that should be imported to a BOM.

Create a Bill of Materials and Import Materials

Create a Bill of Material or open pending BOM to import materials.

1. The "Import from excel" button opens a file selection window. 

2. Select a file to import.
3. Check the column mapping.
4. Click YES to confirm the import.

Review Import Result

Please note that materials cannot be imported if:
1. The price for materials related to the BP Project is not determined.
2. Material Part No. is missing from the file.
3. There is no such material in the Material List reference.

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