
Modified on Mon, 19 Jun 2023 at 06:14 AM


Milestones Reference

A milestone is some point in a work schedule that indicates a start or completion of a certain phase in a Build Plan management.

We store a list of milestones in a “Milestones” reference. 

Users of the “Project Library Managers” group can edit the reference: add a new milestone or delete an existing one.

All other users can view the Milestone reference.

Click on the image to open it in full size.

Milestones in Project Scenario

In a Scenario card, we set up a list of milestones and responsible Employees by default.

The list of milestones in the Scenario always mirrors the list of milestones in Build Plans. This means that every time you add or delete a milestone in the Scenario, the same happens to the milestones in the Build Plans.

However, we do keep a history of milestone changes. So all the information (responsible, dates, comments) of the milestone is saved. Removing a milestone from a Scenario means that it no longer applies to Build Plans. As soon as you add this milestone to the Scenario again → the system will show it in a BP milestones and pull up the entire milestone history.

To set up Build Plan milestones:

  1. Open a required Project Scenario.
  2. Configure a list of milestones: add or delete required ones.
  3. Optionally, specify a default responsible Employee for each milestone or determine who will be responsible for the specific milestone.


Update Milestone Responsible

You can update a responsible in existing BP milestones.

  1. Select one or more milestones and assign a responsible Employee.
  2. Then choose the type of Build Plans you want to update:
  • Only in active Build Plans for this Scenario.
  • In manually selected Build Plans.

Milestones in the Build Plan Card

The full-fledged tool for working with milestones is the Build Plan Card and the “Milestones” dashboard.

Open the “Detail” tab in a Build Plan Card and go to the “Milestones” section to manage BP milestones, assign a responsible Employee, set a start date or specify a milestone deadline. Set up the Construction Status to characterize the operational stage of a Build Plan, check the Permit Status.

A Day On Site is counted when any one crew member allocates at least one TE as On-Site on a given day's TC. So even if 5 crew members work On-Site for 8hrs per day for 5 days, you still only have 5 Days On Site.

Milestones Dashboard

The dashboard helps to monitor milestones progress for each Build Plan. As in other dashboards, we have specific access rules in the “Milestones” dashboard. In the pictures below, we described in detail who can work with the dashboard, what changes they can make, etc.

Dashboard functionality

Open the Milestones dashboard

Customize your dashboard

Edit milestones

Build Plan Owner, Project Owner and Employee with role “Advanced BP Manager” can change green fields in related Build Plans:

  • change status
  • add comments
  • update BP progress
  • include milestone in the list or exclude them
  • set dates and assign responsible Employee.

Member of BP Role can change dates and add comments in milestones where there is no responsible.

Employee who is a responsible for some milestone can alter dates and write comments only in assigned to him/her milestones.

Additional features

Switch to the different view of dashboard

You can switch to the different view of the dashboard, where milestones are depicted as columns.

The Milestone columns order is set up in Milestones Reference. These order can be changed by request.

The milestone details are marked as NA in this view of the dashboard if the BP doesn't have that kind of milestone.

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