How Do I Create an Initial Sales Order?

Modified on Fri, 08 Sep 2023 at 11:49 AM

FCX AR General Process

If a Build Plan already has a Client Purchase Order, go to the part of "How Do I populate a CSO from CPO".

Otherwise, create Sales Order with Projected Contract Value.

Create Sales Order with Projected Contract Value

Open Status Dashboard → select the required Build Plan → go to the CIM tab in BP details section → click New Sales Order.

Also, you can create a Sales Order through a Build Plan card: open a Build Plan card → click Sales Order Total in the Financial part of the card. It will open the list of the BP's Sales Order. Click Create Record to generate a Sales Order for the selected BP.

A Build Plan may include different types of Work Orders within different Sites (linked to a BP Site).  A separate Sales Order can be created for each of these.

Open a required Work Order → click Create Sales Order button (available only for opened WOs).

Add Projected Revenue Sales Order Item

Click to Add Sales Order Item to pull in Price List Items assigned to the BP's Project.

Price List Items contain the details of your company services and products, like: service item, COGS, marked up price, UOM and so on.

To read more about Price List and Price List Items, visit the separate article.

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