Register New Asset in System

Modified on Fri, 06 Oct 2023 at 11:20 AM

Create a New Asset

Authorized Employees can add a new Asset to the Assets Library by creating a new card in the Assets Reference. In the Reference click the “Create Record” button. 

Asset Managers and Asset Library Managers have full access to the Reference. 

New Asset Card

The Name is built up automatically based on the format of the Asset Category  and the values you enter for Extended Requisites.

The new Asset card is automatically assigned an Asset #. This number can be updated to match a barcode sticker using the AM WH Module of the Mobile App.

You must select an Asset Category to apply the correct set of Extended Requisites and Naming Convention. If you created a Record while viewing a Category subdirectory, the new Asset will show that Category selected, by default.

  • To change the Category, click the … (three-dot button) next to the Category Requisite in the top section of the Main Content pane, General tab.
  • Toggle-through Categories and subcategories to select an appropriate one for your new Asset.
  • Open a Category card to view its settings if you are unsure.


View a parent Category but clicking-into the Parent. 

Some Categories may not be in use at your company yet. As such, you may see Categories and subcategories available for selection which you have not seen before in the Assets Reference.

Some Parent Categories may not be available to select for new Assets. This is because the Asset Manager wants you to put all new Assets under one of its subcategories.

Child Categories inherit Extended Requisites (and Important Dates) from all Ancestors. Therefore, even if you do not see an Extended Requisite in a Category card, it may still push to the Asset card from a parent Category.

See next — Inventory & Update Assets for guidance on filling-out all parts of the Asset card.

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