Set WH Min/Max Level and Material Bin Location

Modified on Fri, 21 Apr 2023 at 10:19 AM


Warehouse Min/Max Level settings can aid Material Stock Management by generating alerts when stock falls below a certain level. We have several reports for this:

  • Export Levels from Location
  • Export Levels from Location Type.

To create a report → go to Quick Launch → enter Reports → find the report by name. 

Adding Bin Locations makes the “Inventory Balance” dashboard more powerful as a stock-check tool by directing WH workers to the exact place to look for the Material. 

Set Warehouse Min/Max Level

To do this:

1. Open the Locations Reference and open the Location Reference Record card for your Warehouse. 

2. On the Ribbon Home tab, click “Setup MinMax” (“Checklist” Icon) to begin setting the Min/Max. The Location MinMax Levels Ref. Record card opens in a new window.

3. Click “Add New Row” at the bottom of the card to begin adding Materials whose levels need to be tracked.

4. In the “Select type Item” dialogue box, click the “Material” radial button and click “OK” to look for Materials. The Material List Reference Selection window opens. 

5. Use standard FieldCLIX Filter and Sort options to find Materials you want to add.

You will be entering a “float (floating-point)” or decimal-format Min/Max Qty. in the next window. This Qty. is qualified by the Unit Of Measurement (UOM) designated on the Material Item card.

If you are not sure of the applicable UOM for any Material, check this on the Material Item card:
• Click once to select ONE Material
• Click “Open Card” in the Record group of the Ribbon Home tab to open the Material List Item card in a new window.

You may use “Ctrl-Click” or “Click-Shift-Click” to select multiple items to add at once if you will set the same initial Min/Max level for all of them.

6. Click “Select” on the Ribbon Home tab to add the selected item(s) to the MinMax Level card.

7. In the “Add MinMax level QTY for Item” dialogue box, enter a Min QTY and Max QTY.

Quantities are entered as floats/decimals – The UOM is not stated here, so make sure you check it on the Material List Item card as needed.

You can adjust the Min QTY and Max QTY cells in the Material Rows added to the MinMax Level card, or add new rows as desired.

When you are satisfied, Save/Save and Close to apply the levels.

Set Material Bin Locations

To set Bin Locations:

1. Open the Locations Reference and open the Location Reference Record card for your Warehouse.

2. On the Ribbon Home tab, click “Setup MinMax” (“Checklist” Icon) to access Min/Max settings.

You can only set Bin Locations for Material List Items setup with Min/Max Levels.

3. Enter alphanumeric string values in the “Bin label” column of the table of Materials listed on the card.

4. Save/Save and Close to apply the Bin Locations.

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