Bulk-Import Customer Purchase Orders

Modified on Mon, 25 Sep 2023 at 03:57 PM

This tool is useful for certain projects where many CPOs may be received at the same time, possibly for the same parent Build Plan.

To use this tool, take the following steps:

Go to Quick Launch and search for and select "CIM PO Import"

First click "Show Template" to get the Excel Template into which you will put the CPO data for import:

The below image indicates where to get 2 key pieces of info from FCX for the spreadsheet. The other data all comes from your POs:

Keep in mind each row of this spreadsheet represents one line of your Customer PO Line Items table. So if you want to import 2 CPOs, one with 2 POLs and one with 1 POL, you'll have 3 rows on this spreadsheet and the first 2 will have the same BP Name, PO Number, Received Date, etc.

Once your spreadsheet is ready:

  1. Once more open "CIM PO Import" via Quick Launch
  2. Select "Import data" this time instead of "Show Template"
  3. Select the file to import (.XLSX format is fine, no need to change to .CSV)
  4. After import, the imported CPO records will be displayed

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