What's new in Fieldclix - archive 2023

Posted 5 months ago by Dina Petrova

Dina Petrova Admin

We're sharing our archived newsletters with you. If you'd like to take a trip down memory lane and catch up on what updates we were realising at that time, this is the perfect place to start!

Just a heads-up, though: some features and tools might have changed since then. So, reach out to our Knowledge Base to find up-to-date information about how the FCX system works.

  • January 2023 — BOMs, access to BP finances, 
  • February 2023 — TK Requests, BP document kind, mobile app and last Android API.
  • March part 1 2023 — App camera functionality.
  • March part 2 2023 — new sync flows QB Desktop and QB Online, Service Items in VIM invoices. 
  • April 2023 — VIM Invoice categories, Partially Paid Invoices, Class in CIM Invoices, adjust Material QTY.
  • May 2024 —  Time Keeping Processing and Daily Cost Rates.
  • June 2023 — Solicit TK Requests, Milestone history, make Work Order available for manual allocation.
  • July 2023 — GPS States, crew container owner as a TC Reviewer, edit Lunch in the mobile app, Accounts and Service Items in VIM PO.
  • August 2023 — Polygon geofence, unscheduled Site visit, Payroll Period Summary tab, WIP for not started Build Plan.
  • September 2023 — Employee OT rules, Site custom name and Site documents, POs.
  • October 2023 — Financial Account in Cost Type card, update Reason in Web Time Card, show BP Details for incomplete WOs on map, fixed a bug with the iPhone 15 camera in FCX App.


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